Last Friday morning WARC started with our new President calling for the meeting. George Vogel who is the speaker chair, lead the Pledge and Pray. Very well done, excellent job George!
Attendance: 19 Rotarians
7 Visitors, included our speaker
Many Happy Dollars.
ONE Jealous Dollar (very funny).
WPI Professor Carrick Eggleston
Led a great presentation on how much our world has been filled with plastic and microplastics, how fast the production of plastic grows and how our recycling process doesn't come close to maintaining it or the contamination it causes. Very informative!
Times to start planning Coats for Kids – we need Committee meeting with volunteers. Recipient Registration is coming soon
Golf, Golf, Golf…. progress has been made, Committee to present how we’re doing this Friday.
George has good plan for Membership Committee
WARC website is getting better. Paul, Bonnie and Helena are working on it. Attendance started been loaded weekly and Tall Tales will be there too.
Helena needs “new members” Rotary ID # to add them (6 new members names are not there).
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